
Posts Tagged ‘anniversary’

One Year Ago

One year ago today, I married my wonderful husband.

It’s hard to believe an entire year passed already…it all went by so quickly.

Of course the wedding day went by in a blur. I just remember before it I was seriously nervous (since I hate being the center of attention) and kept having visions of me tripping down the aisle in my gown because of my inate clumsiness, or being so overcome with emotion that I’d be crying and unable to speak the vows clearly.

None of that happened though 🙂 In fact, I didn’t cry at all–I smiled and was on the verge of laughter the entire time 🙂

We had a small wedding; four bridesmaids and four groomsmen and just under 100 guests (I wanted even less than that, but he’s got a slightly larger family than me).

I remember the nerves I had getting on the plane the following morning to North Carolina. I’d never flown before then so I didn’t know what to expect. I realized I’m not one for flying though–I was getting a bit motion sick on landing. But it was definitely worth it! We went to Emerald Isle, North Carolina and it seemed like we had the entire bed and breakfast to ourselves (we were the only people there at the time). The weather was perfect–about 75 degrees every day with no rain. And I’ve realized that if I ever visit again, it’s going to be in October because there are no tourist crowds, which made it more relaxing.

So much happened in that one year…but it still went by so fast! I wonder what the coming years have in store for us?

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